Why Do People Love Bisleri So Much –Finding 5 Probable Reasons

Amna Shareef
3 min readJun 12, 2021


Water is essential for human survival and plays an important role in the best functioning of the body because it seems not enough. It is the main component of all important body fluids. Water regulates and brings all the functions of the body that are more useful to him. Many of us underestimate the importance of drinking water every day and don’t understand what water does to our bodies. It is important to understand that although the molecular formula of water is H2O, natural water also contains the minimum amount of essential minerals and trace elements. Studies have shown that drinking water is an important source of human minerals. This is because the minerals and trace elements contained in the water are ionized, and these ions are easily absorbed by our gastrointestinal tract. Bisleri water undergoes 10 steps of quality control and is protected by a protective seal, while boiled water, no matter how we store it, is not as protected as a closed bottle.

One of the main arguments in favour of Bisleri water is that it can also be removed. In addition to physical pollution, there is also chemical pollution. Boiling water cannot remove floating debris, such as dirt or grime, but Bisleri’s 10-step process can remove these particles. The taste of Bisleri water is sweet, while the taste of boiling water is very mild and dull. The minerals added to Bisleri water, such as potassium and magnesium, can also beat boiling water. Bisleri is the most popular packaged drinking water in India, so much so that the concept of mineral or packaged drinking water is synonymous with the brand but it is regarded as the best. There are distributors, dealers, and wholesalers who can easily increase the sale, they conduct a field survey to find them and talk to them. Most wholesalers order in bulk, so the company can process the order and deliver it on time. When these retailers do not want to invest in a new brand, they can use the same method by providing them with inventory and then charging them after the products are sold. Most of the Bisleri water distributor near me supply water daily at the doorstep. They take delivery charges for the delivery.

The Bisleri water distributor near me takes the old bottles and give the new bottles in return. They supply water every day. Customers often do a monthly scheme so that they can get a discount. Customers must check the distributor near them so that they can get the product very quickly. Customers can easily contact any Bisleri distributor so that they can serve them whenever required. Bisleri distributor enjoys a good profit from the company. In this way, Bisleri distributorship is a good business. There are certain steps that customers need to follow if they want to be a Bisleri distributor. The company offers various prospects to join their business. There are formal procedures that are required to follow to take the distributorship. This brand is very popular. Bisleri has a great impression in the market. This is the only reason people love Bisleri so much.

